Chapter 202 - Defeating the Enemy

The snow was falling harder and harder, and Wanyan Loushi was leading his army forward!

A portion of the one hundred thousand plus women in the true army followed Wanyan Zongwang as he led the fifty thousand men to be the vanguard!

"General, we will be able to arrive at Fu Ping City tonight! After we take down Fu Ping, we will rest there for the night! " A centurion said from behind Wanyan Loushi.

"Fu Ping County, I wonder how many soldiers are stationed there!" The Chinese are different now. If there are more garrison troops there, our losses will not be small! " Wanyan Loushi said.

"Since when did these lowly Chinese become unafraid of death?" The centurion frowned.

"Under our oppression, the Chinese people have changed! Not only have the Chinese changed, but so have we! Ever since they had taken over the Central Plains, everyone had enjoyed it every day! I've heard that some of the soldiers stay in the city for half a year to enjoy themselves. How can they not want to go out? From Longmen to Fuping, if it were a few years ago, we would have already arrived! Let's not talk about Fuping, we might already be in Chang'an! But right now, we are still on our way! Wait until we go back, I must ask Second Crown Prince to rebuild our army! Our army cannot continue like this! " Wanyan Loushi said.

The centurion nodded! Many female high-ranking officer had already noticed the change in the army!

"Can we take down Chang'an this time?" centurion said.

"No problem!" From what I know, many of the armies of the Chinese are in the Shaanxi! The remaining Imperial Guards are in the Tongguan, they are just infantry, how can they compare to us? I think after we take down Chang'an, they will come to the feet of Chang'an! " Wanyan Loushi laughed.

The sky was getting darker, and spies were returning from the front. Some said that the Chinese army had been discovered!

Wanyan Loushi was startled, and asked: "How many Chinese troops are there?"

The scout said: "This subordinate does not know! It's too dark to tell how many there are! "

Wanyan Loushi sneered and said: "No matter how many he has, I have a fifty thousand army. As long as we rush over, we can annihilate all of the Han people! I think the defense army of Fu Ping has come out. At most, it won't exceed ten thousand people! On the plains, we women are invincible, not to mention that I have fifty thousand troops in my hands! There was no problem for the fifty thousand strong army to destroy Liao Country, let alone a mere ten thousand guards. Pass down the order, the entire army is to charge! "

In Wanyan Loushi's heart, although he felt that the corruption in the Nvzhen was strong, he still believed in the "true woman is invincible" mythical law. As for Wan Yanhuonv's failure, he believed that Wan Yanhuonv had been tricked by the Song Army, and it was not a matter of fighting strength! In such a plain, it was almost impossible to use schemes and tricks!

When the female army learned that there were Chinese in front of them, many of them became excited! At this moment, the female army split into thousands of soldiers, howling forward!

Very quickly, the Nvzhen and the Imperial Guards met!

There were 20,000 veterans in the Forbidden Army, and at this moment, these 20,000 veterans were at the forefront!

In the pitch-black night, the sound of fighting could be heard everywhere!

The twenty thousand soldiers were all lance soldiers, they had long formed a spear array, blocking in front of them!

On the battlefield, the sounds of "killing, killing, killing," rose and fell unceasingly!

The new recruits behind him finally began to rush forward!

Only then did Wanyan Loushi feel that something was wrong, his estimation of the Song Army was wrong! This Song Army in front of him probably did not only have ten thousand people, but far more!

"How can there be so many people appearing on the battlefield in the Song Army?" Wanyan Loushi was shocked!

He was the Chang Sheng general of the Nvzhen, and immediately, Wanyan Loushi ordered the troops to be split into two, he then ordered the troops to attack from two sides! They were all mounted soldiers, and the Song Army was just an infantry unit. Such a two-winged attack was a strategy that was commonly used by the Nvzhen!

The sky was too dark, and no one could clearly see the scene in front of them. Wanyan Loushi could only make his own judgement based on his own experience!

"Chinese are infantry! On the plains, you actually dare to use infantry to fight against our cavalry, what a joke! " Wanyan Loushi had this thought in his mind!

On top of a tall slope, Yue Fei stood there while his subordinates, several hundred of the commanders and soldiers were standing behind him, waiting for his orders!

Yue Fei was listening intently.

The sky was dark, and even if Yue Fei was proficient in martial arts, it was difficult to see everything clearly! However, he could use his ears to clearly hear everything that was happening on the battlefield. Then, he could describe everything that was happening in his heart based on the sounds of battle and the sounds of the horses' hooves!

"The Nvzhen has already split into two, and started attacking us from two wings! Let the Fifth and Sixth Army block them! Tell the New First Army and the New Second Army to retreat and take a detour to the back of the Nvzhen! The New Third Army and the New Fourth Army advanced all the way to the rear of the hill! "New Fifth Army, New Sixth Army..."

He kept giving out orders!

The commanders and soldiers below immediately sent out their orders!

In the darkness of the night, the Song Army began to undergo an unknown change!

There were one hundred and twenty thousand people in Song Army, and fifty thousand in Female Genuine Cavalry!

Wanyan Loushi led a group of cavalrymen and attacked crazily in front of them. The Fifth Army in front of them blocked the advance!

Wanyan Loushi's blade moved forward, he had already killed several old soldiers! However, these veterans still continued to madly rush forward! All of them were trying to fend off the onslaught with their lives! These veterans clearly knew that they were no match for him, yet they did not retreat at all!

In just an hour, the old veteran's loss had exceeded 30%! The average army had already collapsed under such circumstances, but these veterans still showed no signs of collapsing! They still went forward wave after wave under the organization of the generals, continuously defending against the Female Genuine Cavalry!

"How can this be? How could this be a Chinese Army? It is impossible for the Chinese to have such a strong army! " Wanyan Loushi's face became unusually ugly!

He had once again formed several thousand-man squads and charged forward like a madman!

Finally, a gap appeared in front of them, and he ordered his troops to eliminate the veterans separately!

The veterans were still resisting, but their expressions were still crazy! Each of them rushed forward without a care for their own safety!


It was at that moment that a wave of battle cries came from all directions!

Wanyan Loushi suddenly felt that something was amiss. It was only now that he realized that countless Chinese Army had appeared in his surroundings! He didn't know how the Chinese Army moved him, but he was suddenly surrounded!

"This is bad!" The Chinese are despicable, they actually surrounded us! " Wanyan Loushi said in disbelief!

Hearing the shouts of the recruits, the older soldiers became even more crazy, and they laughed out loud as they rushed towards Female Genuine Cavalry!

Wanyan Loushi did not dare to keep fighting, he immediately led his army and left for the surroundings!

Soon, he met with the First New Army in front!

The First Army had also been divided into countless spear array s!

However, the physical fitness and combat experience of a new recruit was far from that of a veteran! The frontline of recruits had already been pushed to the ground, and the speed at which the new recruits behind were attacking seemed to have slowed down a lot!

"Everyone follow me, let's shout 'kill' together!" Yang Zheng loudly shouted from within the army!

His inner strength was high, yet his voice had reached within half a kilometer!


As he roared, the people around him also roared along with him, along with spear thrusting!


Following that, rows after rows of soldiers were shouting for their lives!

Encouraged by their comrades' voices, the tension in the soldiers' hearts immediately lessened! They recalled the words spoken by the officers on the training grounds. On the battlefield, as a soldier, one should not think of anything else. The braver they were, the more they would be able to survive on the battlefield! The more cowardly a person was, the more likely he would die on the battlefield!


The row of new soldiers in front of them fell under the blade of the Nvzhen one by one, but none of them retreated! The second row of recruits had also fallen, but they did not retreat! The third and fourth row of soldiers fell, but they did not retreat. They would rather die than disturb the formation behind them! The spear array will always be there, always moving forward!

Wanyan Loushi had originally felt that the fighting capabilities of these new recruits were insufficient, hence he was overjoyed. He was prepared to return and eliminate these new recruits once again! The cavalry would definitely be able to destroy the Song Army!

However, he didn't expect that these recruits would be so tenacious to an unbelievable degree. The people in front had all died, and the formation behind them hadn't changed! They had been blocked!

Once the cavalry's charge was blocked, once the cavalry's speed stopped, it would be difficult to turn around!

Sounds like this could be heard everywhere. Countless new recruits were riddled with injuries. Some of their arms were already broken while others were already blind. They were still rushing forward regardless of their own safety!

Wanyan Loushi had killed who knows how many Song Army s, and another General of the Song Army in front of him threw himself at him without a care for his own safety! Just as he was about to slash General of the Song Army's waist, he suddenly felt that something was amiss! The General of the Song Army did not resist at all, but roared frantically and continued to stab the sword in his hand at Wanyan Loushi's neck! This General of the Song Army used his life in exchange for his own, he was shocked, and immediately retracted his blade to block General of the Song Army's sword!

The General of the Song Army's martial arts skills were far inferior to his. In a single move, the General of the Song Army's body had already fallen far away, but it did not take long for the other General of the Song Army to pounce on him again! General of the Song Army was also fighting with all his might, he did not even try to defend against Wanyan Loushi, he only wanted to stab his own weapon into Wanyan Loushi's body! Even if he had to die, he had to add another wound to Wanyan Loushi's body!

Wanyan Loushi was too terrifying, he killed the General of the Song Army with a single slash! The General of the Song Army had already pounced over, the General of the Song Army's target was actually his mount!

With a long howl, the white horse he was riding fell into a pool of blood!

Wanyan Loushi was furious, he slashed his blade at the leader! The leader's face revealed a pleased expression, but he still wouldn't let himself die in vain! He did not care about Wanyan Loushi's slash, instead, he rushed towards Wanyan Loushi. He had left his sword inside the horse's stomach, and did not pull it out now. He wanted to use his own hand, his own mouth to add a little wound to the tough female high-ranking officer's body!

Wanyan Loushi was shocked, he couldn't believe that there was such a soldier in this world! Just at this time, a sharp sound of wind came from the side, a spear was aimed at Wanyan Loushi, he parried it with his blade, and felt his arm go numb!

Shocked, he kicked the previous high-ranking officer away, then turned around and left. A moment later, he dashed into the female Genuine Army and mounted on another horse!

"Liang Hao, are you alright?" The General of the Song Army holding a pike in his hand stood up the high-ranking officer on the ground and asked in concern.

So this person was Yang Zheng, history's deputy, and the one that fell to the ground was his brother Liang Hao!

At the moment, Liang Hao was only spitting out blood, his face was pale as paper, and he had no strength left in his body. He struggled and said, "Don't worry about me! Kill the Nvzhen! "

Yang Zheng lamented in his heart, he grabbed Liang Hao's hand and channeled his Qi into Liang Hao's body! Liang Hao suddenly broke free from Yang Zheng and said: "Don't worry about me! "Kill the enemy!"

Yang Zheng clenched his teeth, and started walking forward! Some of the soldiers came up from behind to bring Liang Hao to the back to bandage him up!

Yue Fei continued to listen and judge the situation of the Nvzhen from the sounds on the battlefield.

Nvzhen had already been completely surrounded, but at this time, the sound of a horn came from the female Genuine Army.

After the horn sounded, all the Nvzhen s moved towards the sound!

After that, the sound of the horn could be heard heading towards the east!

The remaining Nvzhen gathered together under the sound of the horn and charged forward together. The Expeditionary soldiers continued to chase!

As the sky darkened, the remaining Nvzhen arrived at a hill!

Exhausted, they stopped here!

And Expeditionary soldiers had stopped at the foot of the hill!

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